
Google Docs でブログを書く


*GOOGLE [#m26b3ef1]







**ぐぐるキーワード [#da5ed7e6]
[[Google:matlab 計量]]

*リンク、気になるウェブページ [#v6f61a51]







*MATLABのメモ [#if200dc1]


[[Google:matlab 計量]]


*Rのメモ [#m59a0ec7]
**Post Script [#rc9550cc]


**Kalman Filter & Kalman Smoothing(研究関連) [#rf647b44]

***Basic Information will be avaible at... [#m30eca52]

-[[Econometrics in R -> 5 Time Series Regression:http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Farnsworth-EconometricsInR.pdf]]

You can find basic information related to Kalman Filter here. Also, hpfilter (Hodrick Prescott Filter) is mentioned in the article.

By the way, the PDF file is updated at June 26, 2006, which is pretty recent.

***Commands [#l8c99f87]

Related commands and are as follows;

 filter {stats}

General functions to do filterations.

 smooth.spline {stats}  

This can be used to do hp filteration.

 KalmanLike {stats}  

The most frequently mentioned is the KalmanLike family of functions. But they work only for univariate state space models (that is, models in which there is only one variable in the observations equation).

For this reason, the methods in the {dse1} package (l.SS() and others) and {sspir} package are often preferred.

Because of their greater simplicity, the functions in the sspir package are described in "Econometrics in R" to do Kalman filter.

 kfilter {sspir}

 smoother {sspir}

 SS {sspir}

We run SS() to create the state space model.

OH MY GOD, sspir is the exact package I wanted right now. Good job!!!!! The author who wrote "Econometrics in R", Jesus Chirst!!!!!!!
Thank God, that I read Chapter 5 of this PDF!!!!


Do not confuse the following functions 

 SS {dse1}

 smoother {dse1}


 次のパッケージを付け加えます: 'dse1'
         The following object(s) are masked from package:sspir :
          smoother SS 
         The following object(s) are masked from package:stats :
          acf simulate 



 l.SS {dse1} 

The functions in package dse1 appear more flexible but more complicated to initialize.

***Packages [#f00da504]

 sspir: State Space Models in R 

This packages is great. Since it's not in the list shown [[here:http://cran.md.tsukuba.ac.jp/src/contrib/Views/Econometrics.html]], I didn't know this up to now. "Econometrics in R" told me about this package. Really great.....See [[here:http://cran.md.tsukuba.ac.jp/src/contrib/Descriptions/sspir.html]] for detail.

 kfilter {sspir}

seems to be quite useful, as explained in "Econometrics in R".

***R site search [#zc757d72]

search key words 1 : sspir kalman

search key words 2 : 

**P_Johnson_tips_1とかP_Johnson_tips_2 [#m011f2cc]



**Rの参考書 [#g9180cbc]

Time series analysis and its applications / Robert H. Shumway, David S. Stoffer


*PukiWikiのメモ [#scc747a9]
**PukiWikiのカスタマイズ [#o03b5430]



-[[pukiwikiの公式ホームページのmenu barのカスタマイズについての記述:http://pukiwiki.sourceforge.jp/?Q%EF%BC%86A%2F%E3%83%87%E3%82%B6%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%BBCSS#i7181279]]



**ファイルのアップロード [#j378ccc9]


**Mimetexで数式を書けるようにする [#i5ac99d2]







***Mimetex関連リンク [#m8b10ff4]

**md5ハッシュを求める [#dee596c3]


*Movable Type関連のメモ [#red40fad]


*PCのメンテナンスのメモ [#red40fad]
ぐーぐるキーワード:rundll32.exe thinkpad T41
-see [[だにえるblog:http://sugi-shun.com/mt/archives/2006/08/rundll32exe.html]]
for detail.


*Books Related Memo [#t0dc0130]

-The econometrics of financial markets :
在架   三田 旧1階第3 B@338.1@Ca1@1 10200471635 

-ファイナンスのための計量分析 / John Y. Campbell, Andrew W. Lo, A. Craig MacKinlay[著] ; 祝迫得夫[ほか]訳 


-Introductory econometrics : a modern approach / Jeffrey M. Wooldridge


-パネルデータ分析 / 北村行伸著


-時系列解析入門 / 北川源四郎著 --東京 : 岩波書店, 2005.2 

2006-08-15 (火) 09:07:16

** [#a2ec6ffd]

-[[The search : how Google and its rivals rewrote the rules of business and transformed our culture / John Battelle.:在架   三田 旧5階(屋根裏) B@007.58@Go1@1 10202398374 ]]

*その他、ざっくばらんにメモ [#s204373e]
NAMAZU, searching system on various websites




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